Banana Sprinkle Delight


Add extra bite to this delicious banana and cream delight by adding in sprinkles. For even more texture roll your finished lolly creation in extra sprinkles for a truly fabulous and colourful finish


  • 1 Ripe Banana diced into 1.2cm cubes
  • 60ml Vanilla or Plain Yoghurt
  • 100ml Milk
  • 4 teaspoons of sprinkles (if making ice lollies)


  • Step one
    Peel and chop the banana into small pieces
  • Step two
    If making a smoothie place the banana into the fridge until cooled
  • Step three
    Place the chopped banana into the mixing jug and add the yoghurt and milk
  • Step four
    Blend until you have achieved the required consistency
  • Step five
    If making a Smoothie, blend until smooth then pour in a glass and enjoy
  • Step six
    If you would like to make ice lollies, blend to a rough consistency then place a teaspoon of sprinkles into each of the moulds. Pour the mixture into the moulds and gently stir. Ask and adult to place into the freezer and leave until completely frozen

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